Dairy Goats Details

Enter Goats on Wednesday, August 17th, from 5-5:30 p.m.

Fair Schedule &

Dairy Goat Details

Dairy Goat Check-in

All goats need to be entered at the fair on Wednesday, August 17th, from 5-5:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Quinton Zilles at 208-406-2045

Dairy Goat Classes

Class 1: Jr. Kid (0-6 month)
Class 2: Sr. Kid (7-12 month)
Class 3: Yearling Doe (not in milk, 13-24

Class 4: Yearling Milker

Class 5: 2 Years under 4 Years Milkers

Class 6: 4 Years & over
Class 7: Billy (0-12 month)

Class 8: Grand & Reserve Champion